Drop Shot Flex League (Spring)
Drop Shot Flex League (Spring)

Drop Shot Flex League (Spring)

Event Details

👤 Event Manager: Devin Garcia

📅 Dates: 3/9/25-5/17/25

💲 Registration Fee: $45

👥 Team Type: Doubles

👥 Team Gender Requirements: None

👥 Age Requirements: None

DUPR Requirements: See Format section

#️⃣ Total Team Entries: See Format section

Register Interest

If you are interested in competing in this league please express your interest by completing registration for the Drop Shot Flex League (Interest) event at https://event-registration.rvapb.club/ (no payment will be collected at this time)

Upon completing registration players will receive the following via email:

  • Link to WhatsApp Group Chat for League Interest

Once the total number of teams finalized, teams will be invited to register and pay their registration fees for the League.

Teams will be invited to the league on a first come first serve basis, based on the order in which the entire team registered interest (i.e. time at which both players followed the interest registration described above)

Registered Teams

Season Overview

A full season consists of a Regular season followed by Playoffs for a total of 9 weeks. The Regular season follows a round robin format over the span of 7 weeks. The Playoffs follows a single elimination bracket over the span of 2 weeks immediately after the Regular season. The Playoffs features the top 4 teams from the Regular season. There will be a Regular season champion and a Playoffs Champion. Currently, the Regular season Champion, Playoffs Champion, and Playoffs Runner-up will receive a percentage of the prize money (see Prize Money Breakdown section for more details).

*Disclaimer: Match scores will be entered into DUPR. Currently looking into how it should be entered given the league’s match format.

Team Composition of League

The initial (and ideal) structure for this league consists of 8 teams. The DUPR requirements* are shown below:

  • 3 teams with a combined DUPR between 8.500 and 9.200**
  • 5 teams with a combined DUPR between 9.200 and 10.200***

In the event there are more than 8 teams interested/signed up (i.e. 14 or 16 teams), additional divisions will be created following the structure above. There will be no cross-play between divisions.

*DUPR is floored at the thousandths decimal place.

**At most 3 teams in this range will be allowed

***At least 5 teams in this range will be allowed

Prize Money Breakdown

Currently, ~93% of the registration fees is going to the prize money pot* (assuming 8 teams). Below is how the prize money will be awarded.

% of Prize Money for RSC
% of Prize Money for PC
% of Prize Money for PRU
Prize Money for RSC ($)
Prize Money for PC ($)
Prize Money for PRU ($)

*Any potential fees will covered by the prize money pot. There shouldn’t be any additional fees but if there are then they should not exceed more than 10% of the pot.

** Regular Season Champion (RSC), Playoffs Champion (PC), Playoffs Runner-Up (PRU)

Match Format

A match between two teams consists of a best-of-seven-games series. During the entire season there will be a home and an away team*. The away team has the initial side/serve selection and the loser of the previous game has the side/serve selection for the following game.

*During the Regular season, home/away status depends on the schedule. During the Playoffs, the higher seeded team will be the home team.

Game Scoring

Traditional: First to 11 win by 2

  • 2 timeouts per game
  • Only switch sides at 6 in game 7!

Match Logistics

The Home team will be solely responsible for deciding the following:

  • Location
    • Locations that are “pay to play” require agreement from both teams (e.x. Bangers & Dinks, PPB RVA)
    • Locations must be within the Richmond Metro Area
    • Example Locations
      • Bangers & Dinks
      • CTC
      • Forest Hill Park
      • Harry Daniel
      • Huguenot
      • Performance Pickleball Club RVA
      • Pouncey Track Park
      • Rockwood
  • Balls
    • Provided by home team
    • Please use the same ball (ball type at the very least) for all games in a match
    • League director will supply balls for playoffs

Both teams must agree upon the Date & Time of the match

Upon the completion of each match one player from each team must report the final scores to the League.


Substitutions are permitted for regular season matches but must meet the following requirements:

  1. Can not be a member of any other team competing in the league
  2. Must not cause the team to breach the maximum DUPR requirements
    1. A substitute’s DUPR will assessed at the time of their substitution
  3. Must be approved by the league manager

Teams can not substitute both players

Regular Season

As previously stated, the Regular season is 7 weeks long. During the regular season teams will have 1 match per week.

Regular Season Standings

Regular Season Standings will be determined by the following tiebreakers (in order)

  1. Match Record
  2. TBD (Pending)


Top 4 teams from the Regular Season are in the playoffs and are seeded by Regular Season standing

  • (1 vs 4, 2 vs 3).

2 weeks long: Semifinals and Finals.

Playoffs matches follow same format as Regular season matches with the exception that the league director will supply the balls.



All league details are subject to change at anytime at the sole discretion of the League Director.

Feedback is always welcome and encouraged! Our goal is to facilitate fun, competitive, and exciting play for everyone in the league as best we can!